We have been working with several new customers over the last year who operate multiple sites. During our initial investigation work we discovered issues such are perished or damaged coalescing filters, blocked pipes, separators reaching or exceeding silt and hydrocarbon capacity where cleaning was not arranged with sufficient frequency, amongst other problems.
Some problems are also picked up during the sampling and testing process with Consent to Discharge limits being exceeded in the final effluent.
An issue that has come to light several times on different locations is where a new site is acquired and a change of use can result in the existing pollution control assets not being suitable for the new site operations.
One example of this is where a newly added site had a hardstanding area used for parking, but the new operators were using a mobile vehicle wash daily. The bypass interceptor that was in place prior to the site acquisition was not fit for the new application. Our site investigations highlighted this, and the bypass was replaced with a full retention interceptor more suited to a wash down facility.
We also had to highlight to the operators the case of where an interceptor had been wrongly specified. A small bypass separator had been installed to serve a vehicle engine jet-wash area. This is being replaced with a more suitable interceptor.
The initial survey, sampling, testing and assessment phase of the process serves an equally important part in highlighting existing problems.
The regular scheduled sampling and testing of interceptors and domestic and commercial package sewage treatment plants then ensures the ongoing health and compliance of the effluent treatment.